Managed by Volunteers for the Benefit of the Community & Wildlife
Members & Friends of the Pond
It is always a pleasure to welcome new members to share the satisfaction we all get from our involvement in the care of the Pond. Members are mostly made up of those who live in the vicinity of the Pond and seek to maintain its eco systems, as well as its natural beauty. Thanks to the SMPPA it has become a delightful haven for wildlife and an open space for everyone to enjoy.
Subscriptions from Members and Friends alike form the backbone of the SMPPA's finances. Members regularly carry out minor repairs, maintain the banks and planting, and keep the area around the Pond clean and tidy.
Additionally, with the help of many benefactors over the years (including generous help from private donations along with Chichester Harbour Conservancy, Chichester District Council and West Sussex County Council), this has enabled numerous structural projects including restoration of the sluice gates, repairs to the west bank etc etc.
Membership Fees are currently as follows:
*Minimum £20 for Full Members - Open to those who live in sight of, or in very close proximity to, the Pond. Voting rights apply.
*Minimum £10 for Friends/Associates - Open to all who appreciate the Pond and wish to support its maintenance and the wildlife it encourages. Voting rights do not apply.
Membership Entltles you to:
- receive regular newsletters (normally 2 a year) updating on any projects or news relating to the Pond
- attend the Annual General Meeting (voting rights for full members only)
- attend social functions (Annual Dinner, Summer Party etc)
Please complete our online form if you wish to become a Member or Friend, or alternatively complete and return our pdf membership form.
A link to the SMPPA CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) can be found here.
Our Privacy & Data Protection Policy can be found here.