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Wildlife - Birds

We are very lucky to have a wide range of over 40 species of bird visitors.  The surface of the Pond and the rafts are host to large numbers of water birds; mainly gulls, coots, cormorants and ducks.  Black-headed gulls dominate, but all the British species of gull can be seen at times with occasional visits from Mediterranean gulls.


Most of the ducks are mallards, which breed on the pond, with tufted ducks and red-breasted mergansers as regular winter visitors and the occasional smew, goldeneye, pochard, shoveller duck and Canada goose.


Coots breed on the rafts and moorhen breed in Dolphin Creek. Dabchicks (Little Grebe) are mainly seen in winter. Of the birds which can be seen in the air, Kingfishers regularly add a special element of colour.  


Mute swans breed frequently on Peter Pond and can be seen during summer and autumn with their cygnets.  Heron and Little Egrets can be seen standing in the shallows.  Reed Warblers are audible during summer in the reed-beds.


A pair of Great Black-Backed Gulls ("GBBGs") started nesting on one of the rafts in 2012, producing 2-3 chicks a year. This caused great concern as they are predators at the head of the food chain and are partly responsible for the decline in the overall sea bird population. At the 2012 AGM it was agreed to attempt to deter them by installing wires and canes on the rafts, but this was unsuccessful for 3 years and therefore the wires and canes were removed.  At the 2020 AGM it was again voted to have another attempt.  Metal frames and netting were installed on all 3 rafts, and the GBBGs have now not nested here since 2021.  At least 6 GBBGs regularly visit the Pond.  More details at the foot of this page.

A full list of regular birds and occasional/rare sightings can be found below.  For more information on each bird, we recommend visiting the bird guide section and Brian Fellows' website.

Regular Visitors (16)

Black-headed Gull - all year.  Up to 2000 in winter

Common Gull - winter - up to 50

Common Tern - summer

Coot - Up to 90 in winter - 3 pairs nest

Cormorant - winter - up to 13

Great Black-backed Gull - winter - nesting since April 2012

Herring Gull - winter - up to 50

Kingfisher - mainly winter

Lesser Black-backed Gull - winter

Little Egret - Up to 2

Little Grebe - Winter - Up to 4

Mallard - Up to 50 - Occasionally nesting

Moorhen - Nest in Dolphin Lake

Mute Swan - Pairs occasionally nest

Reed Warbler - summer

Swallow - summer

SMPPA Notelets (above) - taken from a painting by Marian Forster - illustrate the variety of birds that have been seen on our pond (notelets available for purchase - see our publications page)

Little Egret.png

Occasional Visitors (30)

Bar-headed Goose

Barnacle Goose

Canada Goose

Common Sandpiper

Common Snipe

Emperor Goose




Great Crested Grebe - winter

Great Northern Diver


Grey Heron

Grey Wagtail

Greylag Goose




Mediterranean Gull - winter


Pied Wagtail

Red-breasted Merganser - winter

Reed Bunting

Sandwich Tern - summer

Sedge Warbler


Shoveller Duck



Tufted Duck - winter

Bird Rafts and the Great Black-Backed Gulls

Bird Raf Netting 9.jpg

A pair of Great Black-Backed Gulls ("GBBGs") started nesting on the Pond rafts in 2012, producing 2-3 chicks a year. This caused great concern as they are predators at the head of the food chain and, year after year, we watched them devour many young birds and eggs during the spring breeding season.  It is believed that the presence of the GBBGs also reduced the number of other birds visiting the pond.

At the 2012 SMPPA AGM it was agreed to attempt to deter them by installing wires and canes on the rafts, but this was unsuccessful for 3 years and therefore the wires and canes were removed.  Following strong feedback from members, at the 2020 AGM it was again voted by a considerable majority to have another attempt (rather than remove the bird rafts altogether). 

We consulted with the Hampshire Ornithological Society (HOS), who were sympathetic to our situation, citing a similar problem at Needs Ore where the GBBGs have wiped out the local Avocet population. They advised us against netting as this can cause issues with entanglement and may do more harm than good, so we proposed an open mesh wire fence construction as likely to both deter the GBBGs, while still allowing other smaller birds to nest on the rafts.

Frames and netting were installed on all 3 rafts early in 2021.  Smaller birds such as Ducks and Coots can easily access the rafts and bird boxes and have laid several eggs.  Other birds are still able to perch on the rafts and on the new perches that we have erected instead of the old signs in the Pond.

The GBBGs were deterred by the frames and netting at first, however they are extremely determined birds and eventually managed to access the middle raft and produce 3 chicks.  Sadly (as also occurred in 2015), it appears that the chicks fell off the raft and drowned as they were unable to get back on due to the height of the raft above the water.

Following further protection added to the rafts in late 2021, the GBBGs have not nested on the rafts since.  There continue to be at least 6 adults and young that regularly visit the Pond, demonstrating that they are still nesting in the local area.

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